What Can I Do to Challenge Myself Today?

This is the question that every person should be asking, especially when it comes to overcoming negative mental health symptoms.

Let's talk about depression. Depression is an ego-dystonic disorder, meaning that those who have depression do not want it in their lives. We wish it would just leave us and never come back. Frequent signs of depression are low motivation, avoidance, withdrawal, slipping grades or work performance, lethargy, increased irritability, etc. You might notice these symptoms become habitual due to lack of motivation. They persist day after day but you just can't seem to push yourself to change your routine.

Here is a little tidbit: you cannot expect depression to go away on its own if you continue to do the same thing day after day! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result - right? You must challenge yourself in some capacity for change to occur.

Your daily challenges do not have to be huge to be effective. Maybe all you have energy for is to brush your teeth or take a shower. Maybe you set a 5 minute timer to pick things up around the house. Maybe you call someone and engage in social interaction. Maybe you just get out of bed!

The best way to beat depression is by doing things - but that can feel daunting when you have no energy.

Here are some tips to help with motivation:

  1. Have your own personal countdown.

    You know as a kid at the pool when others could count, "THREE, TWO, ONE, JUMP!"? You can do the same thing! When you have the thought of wanting to do something but don't have the energy to do so - count yourself down! Customize it the way you want to. I personally like, "Three, two, one, blast off!" and imagining myself as a rocket ship. Having a countdown can sometimes provide that little nudge you need to get up and going - because the hardest part is just starting!

  2. Use the Pomodoro Technique.

    The Pomodoro Technique is when you decide on a task and you set a timer to work on that task. Oftentimes, we overwhelm ourselves with our to do list and then we don't even start it because we don't have the energy. By using the Pomodoro technique, not only does it help with focus, it helps with motivation! Think about picking things up around your room - it really does not take long to get a lot done. You can start with just a 5 minute timer to start picking stuff up. This small amount of time does not feel daunting and you will be surprised at how much you do!

  3. Create a to-do list or rough outline of your week and share it with someone to create accountability.

    When somebody else is involved in your plans and goals, it increases motivation so as not to disappoint them. You can even go the extra mile and ask them to check back in with you to see if you completed your tasks or not!

Whatever it is, it's important to challenge ourselves daily. The challenge can be as small as getting out of bed and brushing your teeth or as big as running 10 miles at the gym. With each challenge you complete, you will feel a little better and more capable of overcoming debilitating depression.


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